Root node application of Anja von Rosenstiel
General info
Application date
Anja von Rosenstiel
Application info
The applicant is a natural person.
Q address
Address of residence or incorporation
House/flat number, building name
Street number, name
Leonard Avenue
City area/district
Post code, City
02130, Cambridge
United States of America
United States of America regularly enforces foreign arbitral awards without undue delay in accordance with the terms of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958 (the so-called New York Convention).
Professional experience
Applicant`s professional experience
- Lawyer (“Rechtsanwältin”) licensed in Germany (Freiburg)
- Attorney-at law licensed in Massachusetts, USA
- Senior counsel at law firm Heuking, Kühn, Lüer, Wojtek
- Lecturer of law at Boston University, MA, USA
- Research fellow at DAO Research Collective (“DRC”)
- Volunteer at the International Chamber of Commerce yearly mediation competition
- Legal studies at Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany (first state exam)
- Master of Arts in conflict resolution (Europa-University Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder)
- LLM (Boston University)
- Judicial Law Clerk at U.S. District Court for Massachusetts
Statement of expertise and motivation
With my background in mediation and teaching negotiation at Boston University, I believe in self-organization and self-governance and as a practicing attorney in due process. As a root node I would like to uphold and further contribute to building a sound governance infrastructure for DAOs based on certain ethical principles, foremost transparency to avoid the information asymmetries of traditional corporate governance. As a research fellow at DRC and as a task force leader for decentralized dispute resolution in the DAO Star Interoperationality working group of the Meta Governance Project, I want to ensure that academic research is applied in practice and gain valuable experience for my research to find answers to challenges DAO communities face when building more equitable governance structures on chain. I believe that in joining the community as a root node I can achieve this goal.
Commitment of stake
Applicant`s commitment
I understand that I may collect rewards from acting as a root node in the Q system regardless of whether such rewards may be seen as arising from the Root Node Tokens. In my role as a Root Node, I commit to accumulating a stake of 250.000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) Q Tokens (the “Stake”) and subsequently to maintaining the Stake before using any Q Tokens accumulated in excess of the Stake.
The applicant expressly accepts, signs and makes available for inspection by any Q Stakeholder a signed copy of this Q Constitution. View proposal