Root node application of Eric Alston

General info

Application date



Eric Alston

Application info


The applicant is a natural person.

Q address


Address of residence or incorporation

House/flat number, building name


Street number, name

1009 Collyer Street

City area/district


Post code, City

80501, Longmont




United States of America

United States of America regularly enforces foreign arbitral awards without undue delay in accordance with the terms of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958 (the so-called New York Convention).


Applicant`s biography


Juris Doctorate, University of Chicago Law School

Master of Arts, Economics, University of Maryland College Park

Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Spanish, University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne 

Professional experience

Applicant`s professional experience

Scholar in Residence, Finance Division, University of Colorado Boulder

Researcher, BlockScience

Research Associate, Comparative Constitutions Project

Grantee, National Science Foundation & Templeton World Charity Foundation

Affiliate Researcher, Summer of Protocols (Ethereum Foundation)


Statement of expertise and motivation

My background displays a commitment to better understanding fundamental institutions of governance, with professional experience ranging from criminal justice reform to advising constitutional drafting processes. My passion for these institutions has continued into my academic career, for my research contributes to the fields of institutional and organizational analysis, law and economics, and digital governance. During my seven years as research faculty in the Finance Division at the University of Colorado Boulder, I have published extensively and direct a successful program dedicated to teaching business school students about the intersection of markets, politics, and law. Most recently, many of my publications have applied longstanding governance solutions from constitutional and organizational design to challenges within distributed network governance, and I consult directly with several blockchain networks on their governance programs. Working with Q in a distributed governance role is therefore a natural fit for my capabilities and interests. I would apply my knowledge of governance principles to any emergent questions that surface in Root Node calls, or formally through the on-chain processes for which Root Nodes play a stewardship role. I also would be independently motivated to engage in Root Node governance processes, for learning about institutional innovation is of direct benefit to my research streams in institutional and organizational theory and digital governance specifically. I believe transparent governance within a system with carefully checked-and-balanced governance authority is uniquely facilitated in digital contexts that coordinate individuals using a blockchain network to track units of account that are central to the production of the organization being so coordinated. The Q Network has a novel governance design in this area and has already attracted many talented individuals to participate in governance, such that I believe I would both add value to and learn from participating therein.

Commitment of stake

Applicant`s commitment

I understand that I may collect rewards from acting as a root node in the Q system regardless of whether such rewards may be seen as arising from the Root Node Tokens. In my role as a Root Node, I commit to accumulating a stake of 250.000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) Q Tokens (the “Stake”) and subsequently to maintaining the Stake before using any Q Tokens accumulated in excess of the Stake.

The applicant expressly accepts, signs and makes available for inspection by any Q Stakeholder a signed copy of this Q Constitution.