Root node application of William Lehr

General info

Application date



William Lehr

Application info


The applicant is a natural person.

Address of residence or incorporation

House/flat number, building name


Street number, name

Hubbard Street

City area/district

Post code, City

01742, Concord




United States

United States regularly enforces foreign arbitral awards without undue delay in accordance with the terms of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958 (the so-called New York Convention).


Applicant`s biography

Dr. William Lehr is a telecommunications and Internet industry economist and consultant with over twenty-five years of experience. He regularly advises senior industry executives and policymakers in the U.S. and abroad on the market, industry, and policy implications of events relevant to the Internet ecosystem. 

He is a research scientist in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, currently engaged in several multidisciplinary research projects within the Advanced Networking Architecture Group in CSAIL (ANA). Dr. Lehr's research focuses on the economics and regulatory policy of the Internet infrastructure industries. He teaches courses on the economics, business strategy, and public policy issues facing telecommunications, Internet, and eCommerce companies, and is a frequent speaker at international industry and academic conferences. He is the author of numerous publications on such topics as the measurement of economic impacts of Information technologies, the economics of technical standard setting, the pricing of Internet services, and the implications of commercializing novel Internet and wireless technologies for industry structure and regulatory policy.

In addition to his academic research, Dr. Lehr provides litigation, economic, and business strategy consulting services for firms in the information technology industries in the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Lehr has advised information technology companies on strategic marketing, pricing, financial planning, and competitive strategy; and government agencies in the United States and abroad on telecommunications and Internet policy matters. Dr. Lehr has prepared expert witness testimony for both private litigation and for regulatory proceedings before the FCC, before numerous state commissions and for numerous regulatory agencies abroad.

Dr. Lehr holds a PhD in Economics from Stanford (1992), an MBA from the Wharton Graduate School (1985), and MSE (1984), BS (1979) and BA (1979) degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. 

View Dr. Lehr’s LinkedIn profile here:


Statement of expertise and motivation

I am actively engaged in research related to better understanding the economics and policy challenges and opportunities associated with the rapidly evolving blockchain/smart contract/cryptocurrency ecosystem. I view governance of blockchains as an important dimension that will impact how the ecosystem evolves and learning more about how governance is evolving is a key aspect of my research. Due to my professional background, I would like to support decentralized governance to benefit the whole blockchain space. Thus, I would like to run a root node on Q, as it would allow me to better understand the project’s work in decentralized governance.

Commitment of stake

Applicant`s commitment

I understand that I may collect rewards from acting as a root node in the Q system regardless of whether such rewards may be seen as arising from the Root Node Tokens. In my role as a Root Node, I commit to accumulating a stake of 250.000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) Q Tokens (the “Stake”) and subsequently to maintaining the Stake before using any Q Tokens accumulated in excess of the Stake.

The applicant expressly accepts, signs and makes available for inspection by any Q Stakeholder a signed copy of this Q Constitution.